Friday, July 22, 2016

The Kettlebell Snatch - 1 of the Best Exercises For Belly Fat Going Today!

If you are truly serious about dropping the belly fat then you have got to engage in exercises that will significantly raise your level of perceived exertion, burn a ton of calories, and help you build some lean muscle mass. The way to do this is to make sure that your exercises are a true hybrid of both cardio and strength. This is why I want to introduce to you the overhead kettlebell snatch.

Kettlebell Snatch

Best Exercise For Belly Fat!

You see the one thing that truly gets rid of your stomach is big core movements that involve a significant level of big core muscle exertion. This is true with the human body because it forces your nervous system to go into effect in order to handle and endure outside physical stress. This is why the overhead kettlebell snatch is such a powerful big core lift for you to lose abdominal fat fast.

You see the snatch lift has often been referred to as the Czar of all kettlebell lifts and it basically involves you having to pull the bell from between your legs out of a swinging type motion to a locked out held position just above your head. This single lift engages your hips, abs, back, shoulders, glutes, and hamstrings all in one movement. By implementing this single lift into your workouts you stand to lose those love handles at a very fast pace.

To pull this lift off you will need the availability of a single kettlebell of moderate resistance. Start the lift by performing a single arm swing to elevate the bell from between your legs up to a "high pull" position with it suspended just next to your head. To get the bell to this spot you will want to engage your hips and knees in a smooth and forceful act of flexion and immediate extension to build the momentum. Once you get the bell to this high pull position then make sure to vertically punch your palm towards the sky in order to finish it off. Once you have completed only a couple of reps of this super intense, but smooth lift you will see just how exertion it can be. If you were wanting to eliminate the stubborn belly fat then you just found your answer my friend.

Fitness starts with smart training and kettlebell training is a smart person's training. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Weight Training Tips - Shortcuts to Explosive Results

I thought I would make a quick list of the three top weight training tips for all of the beginners out there. These are all things you should follow to get maximum results as well as prevent injury.

Weight Training Tips

1. Stretch before all workouts. This is extremely vital. It is frustrating to see how many beginners (and veterans) skip this warm up process prior to working out. Stretching elongates muscles which allows for a higher range of motion for working out. This increased rang of motion will allow your muscles to be able to handle the stresses of working out without getting an injury.

Remember, you want to tear muscle fibres when working out. Not the entire muscle itself.

2. Use a four second down-and-explode cadence. When your muscle is being elongated, slow the movement down so that it lasts an entire four second. When contracting the muscle, explode with as much force as you can.

3. Breath. This is another overlooked one of the common weight training tips. Don't be the guy in the gym who's face is beet red because your holding your breath when lifting. You are not getting sufficient oxygen into your body when doing this.

Those are the top weight training tips when it comes to working out. There are many other variables which contribute to great results. Most notably are your diet and the efficiency of your workouts.

The efficiency of your workouts is huge. It can get you the desired results very quickly. Through science there has now been a type of workout created which allows you to work out for only minutes per day, yet still get maximum muscle growth, tone, and fat loss. This is all done through getting maximum efficiency.

You should have a burning passion to achieve your ideal body type. If you do not have that passion, I would suggest you cultivate it.

How will you feel when you have that exact body of your desire? Visualize it. Take the time to feel that passion and emotion in your gut. Let it grow stronger and stronger.

Feels good, doesn't it?

That level of passion is what turns dreams into a reality. You must take care of yourself first before you can offer significant value to the loves ones in your life.

If you have 7-10 minutes per day, then you will have the healthy, toned, sexy body which you have been dreaming about. It takes a lot less time than you think.

Imagine how it would feel to look in the mirror and see yourself with the body of your dreams...
You will have a healthy, toned, sexy body.

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Dumbbell Weight Training For Weight Loss

When people are trying to lose weight, they quite often overlook the dumbbell as a viable tool for achieving their goals. Including dumbbell weight training as part of a diet and exercise plan is an excellent strategy for achieving weight loss dreams.


Strength training isn't necessarily about lifting huge amounts of weight all at once. Every repetition with a decently weighted dumbbell burns off lots of calories, particularly when done over a period of time. The trick to losing weight through strength training comes not from how much you lift, but how often you lift it. Look to find a comfortable spot where the amount of weight you are lifting causes a burn, yet you can still press out three sets of eight repetitions. This will get the calories burning and your body going down that weight loss path!

Some people try to lose weight by doing cardio alone or just strength training. The best way to get an evenly toned, well-balanced body is to combine the two disciplines. This way, you can get the rapid calorie burns of cardio combined with the strength and muscle building of a dumbbell session. Increased muscle mass helps sculpt the body and boosts metabolism, which in turn helps fight fat.

For a good weight-loss strength workout, you need to ensure that the entire body is worked. It is vital to focus on technique and stability as these will ensure you burn more calories than you will if you rush through the program. Take it slow and steady and do as many repetitions with the dumbbells as you comfortably can before resting. Rest for a couple of minutes between sets.

A good sample exercise program would include a series of exercises using dumbbells, such as horizontal chest presses, incline flies, preacher curls, and dumbbell lunges.  Combine these with 20 minutes of cardio, plus abdominal crunches and push-ups for a well-rounded workout.

Finish off your workout with a nice hot sauna or bath to stretch out and relax your muscles.

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